ACADEMY OF AMERICA If you are interested in becoming a hypnotherapist yourself, the best training I found anywhere is in beautiful Santa Fe, NM. They are a
highly trained staff of accredited and professional instructors with both academic and hands-on methods of presenting the
most comprehensive training in hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
REINCARNATION TRUTH BY CAROL HUBBARD Carol has created an intriguing website that looks deeply into the
ideology and history behind reincarnation, and the religious references to it in the Christian Bible. Carol
also has some great links to other websites and cutting-edge scientific evidence for the survival of human consciousness both
before birth and after death.
QUANTA CHANGE By Sara Avery This healing modality is far too complicated for me to describe here. I have been working
with Sara for over 2 years and have found her work to be life changing. Childhood fears and mental blocks have been
so thoroughly deleted that I can't even remember what they used to be. Check out her very informative website.
Backman has been training professional hypnotherapists to do deep spiritual regressions, both past life and Between Life Soul
Regressions for several years. Check out her book “Bringing Your Soul
to Light”, published by Llewellyn Worldwide. Many kudos to her and the fabulous work she is doing on so many
DOLORES CANNON: Dolores has written
many books on her results as a hypnotherapist over the last 4 plus decades. Covering subjects from abductions to earth
changes, this body of work has touched many readers as well as the clients she worked with. Ultimately, the "SC"
that works with Dolores requested that she teach her techniques to others so that many more people have the chance to experience
the powerful healings and insights that this body of work offers. Read more about QHHT and Dolores's work:
CAROLYN LYSNE, HOMEOPATH Caroline is an accomplished Homeopath with years of success stories.
She has studied with internationally known experts and was on the team that did the proving for an exciting new remedy called
"Dragonfly". I’ve had several of my own experiences of being helped tremendously by this new
and intriguing alternative mode for wellness.